If you have a child due to start primary or secondary school in 2024 and you live in the Dudley Borough you will need to complete an application form.
Red Hall Primary School follows the Admission arrangements for Dudley MBC Community Schools. Please contact Dudley School Admissions for an application form on 0300 555 2345 further information is available at:
School Admissions (dudley.gov.uk)
Children generally start nursery the term after their 3rd birthday, based on a 3 term year (subject to availability of places). Admissions to nursery school are handled by ourselves. If you would like your child to attend nursery provision you should contact the Administration Office.
Nursery School Admissions for Maintained Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools are set out in the admissions policy for local authority nurseries.
Attendance at a nursery attached to a primary school will not guarantee admission to that particular primary school or give any advantage to the pupil in the admissions process.
Autumn 2017 the government introduced two schemes to help working parents with childcare costs - the 30 hour free childcare entitlement, known in Dudley as 'extra time for threes and fours' and tax-free childcare.
From September 2017, working parents will be able to access up to 30 hours of free childcare and early learning during term time.
Further information on these schemes can be found by accessing the link below.