Welcome to the Nursery team. Mrs Horton is the teacher in charge and Miss Moulton is the Early Years Lead. Mrs Cooper, Mrs Bradley, Mrs Richards and Miss Blackwell also support the children.
Nursery children and their families had an amazing time at Brockswood Animal Sanctuary.
Please open the link to find out what learning takes place over the year.
This is the order of the Monster Phonic teaching progression that children will learn in Early Years.
Nursery and Reception work closely together to provide exciting opportunities for all of our Foundation Stage children both indoors and outdoors.
We deliver a curriculum of planned purposeful play as well as adult led activities following the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters’ guidance. This curriculum precedes the ‘National Curriculum’ and is made up of seven areas of learning. They are; ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’, ‘Physical Development’ and ‘Communication and Language’ (known as the Prime Areas) and ‘ Literacy’, ‘Mathematics’,’ Understanding of the world’ and ‘Expressive arts and design’ (known as specific areas). All of these areas are planned for daily and opportunities are provided indoors and out. Our planning is flexible as we use the children for our starting points, where possible following their interests so as to ensure and exciting and creative curriculum.
Nursery Hours:
Morning Session: 8:30am-11:30am
Afternoon Session: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
30 hours: 9am - 3.00pm
When children start Nursery they are allocated a morning or an afternoon session. During this time they enjoy lots of free play (COOL time or Choosing our own learning) and also time in their ‘Family Groups’ where they engage with their ‘key worker’ and take part in adult led sessions.
Children are entitled to 5 mornings or afternoon sessions a week totalling 15 hours of free child care.
If you wish to apply for a Nursery place please fill in an application form at the school office or print off the form via the link below. Please also provide evidence of your child’s date of birth when you register for a Nursery place. If you are allocated a place then you will be invited to an information meeting where you will also be given a time when your child can visit during a ‘stay and play’ session.
Autumn 2017 the government introduced two schemes to help working parents with childcare costs - the 30 hour free childcare entitlement, known in Dudley as 'extra time for threes and fours' and tax-free childcare.
From September 2017, working parents will be able to access up to 30 hours of free childcare and early learning during term time.
Further information on these schemes can be found by accessing the link below:
During the first week of the term they are starting two members of staff (including the child key worker) will come to your house to complete a home visit. We do this to ensure that the children know who their key worker is and so that they can enjoy some special time one to one. The home visit also gives parents opportunity to talk to staff informally and ask any questions /give any information about the individual child’s needs.
All children in Nursery visit our school library with their key worker each week to encourage reading for pleasure. Here children may choose a book to take home and share with an adult. Children must return their books weekly in order to receive a new one.
Library day: Monday
Return books: Friday