PE at Red Hall Primary School covers a wide range of sport and activity ensuring that children are given the best opportunity to develop fundamental skills and adopt a healthy attitude to being active. PE lessons are planned so as to ensure maximum involvement and opportunities for success. We endeavour to provide opportunities for our children to develop their talents in P.E. through a balanced and well structured programme.
During the course of their time at Red Hall the children will have the opportunity to compete in many of the organised competitive events within the local area, e.g. girls' and boys' football matches, annual swimming gala, gymnastics, athletics and cricket tournaments.
We teach about being active helps to contribute to a healthy mind.
Reception - Gates open 8:40am - School day begins 8:50am - School day finishes 3:20pm
KS1: Year 1 and Year 2 - Gates open 8:45am - School day begins 8:55am - School day finishes 3:25pm
KS2: Year 3 - Year 6 - Gates open 8:50am - School day begins 9:00am - School day finishes 3:30pm
If you wish to visit the school please contact the school office.
As a parent if you have any queries/concerns and wish to speak to a member of staff please contact the school office. Mrs Topple will then make appropriate arrangements.
A paper copy of information from the school website can be provided for you free of charge. Please ask at the school office.
Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) – Mrs S Darby can be contacted via the school office.