Knowing our place in the world
A modern foreign language is mandatory in KS2. At Red Hall has we learn to speak some French. Children are encouraged to explore French collaboratively through games, songs and rhymes and to show what they have learned through simple conversations and role-plays.
Key Stage 2 French lessons provide a stimulating foundation for language learning in secondary school. Topics include greetings, colours, numbers, names and some basic vocabulary that enables children to hold simple conversations and explore language in the context of the wider world. Children are expected to master basic grammar and accurate pronunciation and to converse, present, read and write in the language.
Through our History curriculum we aim to inspire pupils, excitement, curiosity and engagement with the past. A range of rich learning opportunities will enable all children to explore and enjoy the story of our local area, our nation and the wider world: recognising change and continuity: links between local, national and global views and how they have developed over time.
We aim to motivate and develop children's interest in the past and its influence on life today and the development of key historical skills through the study of key periods and eras; significant events and individuals, as well as the asking [and answering] of significant questions.
We aim to enable all pupils to develop opinions and interpret History using a variety of sources and evidence; to develop research and interpretation skills using a range of media and artefacts and understand how and why the world has changed and what we can learn from the past to make the future a better place. British values are incorporated into the History curriculum promoting values such as Mutual Respect, the rule of Law, Tolerance and Liberty.
In line with the National curriculum, the curriculum at Red Hall aims to ensure that all pupils develop key Historical knowledge and skills enabling them to: gain a coherent chronological knowledge and understanding of Britain's past and that of the wider world; to stimulate pupils' curiosity to know more about the past; to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement; begin to understand the complexity of people's lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
Geography is planned and taught as part of our creative, cross curricular approach to learning.
In our school, pupils begin by studying their local area and then progress to looking at contrasting localities, both within the United Kingdom and also in other parts of the world. The children learn to use maps to locate cities, countries, mountain ranges, rivers, seas and oceans.
Children learn about and compare features of different localities e.g. Dudley, UK and global locations. We encourage our pupils to think as global citizens and to take responsibility for their impact on the environment through reducing waste, reusing and recycling.
Educational visits form a vital part of engaging children including trip to contrasting locations including Dudley town, Llandudno, and the Malvern Hills.
Pupils are encouraged to develop their knowledge and understanding of the religious beliefs and practices that have become part of the United Kingdom's rich and diverse culture. Pupils learn about the major concepts common to most religions, for example, worship, celebration, authority, belief and symbol. A greater understanding of these are achieved through first hand experiences by visiting places of worship, handling religious objects, speaking with members of faith communities and assemblies.
The R.E curriculum contains two main elements - Learning about Religion and Learning from Religion. We aim to give the children a knowledge of and a respect for both their own traditions and culture and those of others.